How to Become a YouTuber and Get Paid: 5 Tips for 2023

 Social media experts, professional linguists and motivational speakers worldwide agree: you can’t spell “YouTube” without “you.” If you’re looking to launch your Youtube career — either just for fun or to make some serious money — these are the steps to follow.

What is a Youtuber?

A Youtuber is a person who creates and posts content for the video-sharing platform YouTube.

But besides having Youtube as a platform in common, Youtubers themselves differ to the extreme. Youtubers come in every age, ethnicity, education level, area of focus and camera quality. Some Youtubers post just for fun, as a hobby or a side hustle, and others make it a full-time career.

Anyone who posts can be called a Youtuber, but the title is generally understood to mean someone who posts to the platform regularly.

How much money do YouTubers make?

There are no hard-and-fast figures for how much YouTubers make, on average, because there’s no such a thing as an average YouTuber.

YouTubers make money in many ways. A successful YouTuber might earn money from:

  • Advertising – joining YouTube’s partner program
  • Affiliate sales – becoming an affiliate partner for a brand selling products or services online
  • Merchandise – selling their own merch like mugs, T-shirts and toys
  • Crowdfunding – joining a site like Patreon or using online tipping services
  • Licensing – licensing their content to the media
  • Sponsorships – creating sponsored content for brands

Most top-earning YouTubers use more than one of these methods to make money from their video content.

If we only consider income from YouTube’s Partner program, YouTube content creators earn an average of $10 per 1,000 views. Meaning, a YouTuber getting 100,000 views per month would make a very modest wage of 1,000 USD.

Identify Your Niche -

Identifying your niche involves understanding your interests, expertise, and the needs of your target audience. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find your niche for a blog:

  1. Reflect on Your Interests:

    • Consider the topics you are passionate about and genuinely interested in. What subjects could you talk about or research extensively without getting bored?
  2. Assess Your Expertise:

    • Identify your areas of expertise or those you're willing to learn more about. Your blog will be more credible and engaging if you have knowledge or a genuine interest in the subject.
  3. Consider Your Audience:

    • Think about the audience you want to reach. Who are they, and what are their interests and needs? Tailor your niche to meet the demands or curiosities of your potential readers.
  4. Research Popular Niches:

    • Explore popular blog niches to see what aligns with your interests and has an audience. You can use tools like Google Trends, social media, or blog directories to identify trending topics.
  5. Evaluate Competition:

    • Check out existing blogs in your potential niche. Assess the competition to understand if there's room for your unique perspective or if you can provide something different.
  6. Identify a Unique Angle:

    • Even within popular niches, find a unique angle or a specific aspect that you can focus on. This could be a specific demographic, a particular problem you can address, or a unique approach to the topic.
  7. Test Your Ideas:

    • Before committing fully, write a few blog posts or create some content to test your chosen niche. See how you enjoy creating content in that area and gauge the audience's response.
  8. Ask for Feedback:

    • Reach out to friends, family, or online communities to get feedback on your niche ideas. They might offer valuable insights and help you refine your focus.
  9. Consider Monetization:

    • If your goal is to monetize your blog, think about the potential income streams in your chosen niche. This could include affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling products/services.
  10. Be Flexible:

    • Don't be afraid to adapt your niche over time. As you create content and engage with your audience, you might discover new interests or areas where you can provide valuable content.
Remember, finding the right niche is an ongoing process. It's normal to refine and adjust your focus as you learn more about your audience and your own preferences. The key is to choose a niche that aligns with your passions and has an audience that values what you have to offer.
Create High-Quality Content:Invest in good equipment and ensure your videos have clear audio and visuals. Create content that is valuable, entertaining, or informative to your target audience.
  1. Be Consistent:

    • Establish a regular uploading schedule. Consistency helps build an audience as viewers know when to expect new content from you.
  2. Optimize Your Channel:

    • Create an appealing and informative channel banner, write compelling video descriptions, and use relevant keywords in your video titles and tags to optimize your videos for search.
  3. Engage with Your Audience:

    • Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and engage with your audience on social media. Building a community around your channel can lead to loyal subscribers.
  4. Collaborate with Other YouTubers:

    • Collaborations can introduce your channel to a new audience. Look for YouTubers in your niche and propose collaboration ideas.
  5. Utilize Social Media:

    • Share your videos on other social media platforms to reach a wider audience. Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to promote your content.
  6. Enable Monetization:

    • Once you meet YouTube's eligibility criteria (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months), enable monetization on your channel. This allows you to earn money from ads on your videos.

Remember, building a successful YouTube channel and getting paid takes time and dedication. Focus on creating content that resonates with your audience, and be patient as you grow your channel and explore different monetization avenues.

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